How I'm building an Extension with Typescript and React

My goal with this guide is to show how I ended up building a chrome extension with Typescript and react. It won't necessarily fit your use case. But I certainly hope you can draw inspiration from it :-)

To follow this post, you should have a basic understanding of React as well a little experience with NodeJS.

I've divided this post into two parts:

  1. Why I chose the tech stack that I did
  2. Showing you how to setup the project

Going with a comfortable tech stack

I want the type-safety typescript can give me

My experience is that the benefits of Typescript (or other statically typed languages) outweigh the downsides. I especially like how it makes refactoring much easier. Typescript screams at you when things are changing. Javascript silently fails. The former allows me to constantly search for better ways of expressing the program I'm writing without being afraid (too afraid) of breaking something down the line.

React is familiar

Although I prefer to work on backend code, I happen to know React quite well. I decided to learn it sometime back in 2017, and stuck with it. When hooks were released, I transitioned into writing functional react components and I have yet to look back. I have no good explanation for why I like this. This way of writing UI and handling state just happens to work well with the way I think. Naturally, React was my first choice for writing a browser extension.

Let's try to avoid bloated configuration files

Configuration files very quickly become a mess. I find this to be escpecially true in the JS ecosystem. Before knowing it, you end up with a .babelrc, webpack.config.js, package.json, <INSERT_TEST_FRAMEWORK>.config.ts, .eslintrc and so on.

This quickly becomes hard to maintain. Perhaps it shouldn't be this way, but I mostly find configuration files to be instances of "I have no idea why this works, let's not touch it". It's hard to debug and easy to make mistakes. Bad combination. (relevant comic)

I landed on Parcel which promises to need zero configuration. And I've found this to be largely true. This might bite me some day, but for now I'm happy :-)

Let's actually make something!

Did you just skip to this section? That's fine. I'd likely have done the same. The contents of this section should be enough to create your extension. However, the full source code is available on Github.

Initialize and add dependencies

We first need to initialize a new project and add the dependencies we need. I've written a short script with the commands below. It boils down to: initialize a project, and add parcel and typescript.

mkdir my_extension_project;
cd my_extension_project; 
yarn init -y; 
yarn add react react-dom 
yarn add --dev typescript parcel @types/react @types/react-dom  @types/chrome;
echo "Extension setup done 🧑‍🚀";

This script adds "main": "index.js" to package.json. Remove this manually.

Simple Workflow

This is the workflow we'll end up with: We want a yarn dev command, automatically rebuilding our source code when developing. We'll add a yarn build command as well, for building our extension for distribution :)

With parcel, these are very simple. Just add the following JSON configuration to the package.json we just created.

"scripts": {
    "dev": "parcel watch src/index.html --public-url=./",
    "build": "parcel build src/index.html --public-url=./"

You'll notice that we're referencing an index.html file in these scripts. This will be the entry point of our extension (more on this in in a second).

These commands are basically variants on "let parcel look at this file and do all the stuff Babel and Webpack would usually do".

Popups and background scripts

This is the time to make ourselves familiar with some extension concepts. I'll keep it short.

Popups are UI

Extension popups define the GUI of our application. That is, the visual elements that pop up when you click on the extension. If you use a password manager, the popup would be the window where you enter your master password and search for the password you want to use.

Background scripts are useful for interacting with the browser

Background scripts are programs that run independently of the UI or other state in the browser. They are useful for handling long term state, e.g. by interacting with the storage API. They can also be used to run code on events in the browser. Such events can be creation of new windows or navigation between tabs.

Telling the browser about our extension

The details of the extension is defined in a manifest.json file at the root of our project folder. manifest.json tells the browser what our extension should have permission to do and where it's source files are. You can check out MDN for further details.

For now, let's add a manifest.json looking like this:

  "name": "My First Extension",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "My first browser extension!",
  "manifest_version": 2

Install your extension in chrome or firefox

Before we start making stuff, we want to install our extension in the browser. This allows us to see what we're making.

Add your first popup

Most of the following should be familiar if you've used React before. If you're confused, refer to the code comments :-)

The entry point of our application will be index.html - classic. We'll add it at src/index.html as this matches with the build script we added in package.json earlier.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <!-- The root node of our component tree -->
    <div id="root"></div>
<!-- The entry point for our React components -->
<script src="./components/index.tsx"></script>

Similarly, let's add a ./src/components/index.tsx. This file will load our react component.

import * as React from "react"; 
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom"; 

//This is our counter component 
const Counter = () => {
    const [ count, setCount ] = React.useState(0);
    return <>
        <button onClick={() => {setCount(count + 1)}}>increment</button>
        <button onClick={() => {setCount(count - 1)}}>decrement</button>

/* We're now telling React to render this component on the webpage, inside 
the first element it can find with and id of "root". Notice how this matches 
the `div`-tag in our `index.html` :-) */
ReactDOM.render(<Counter />, document.getElementById("root"));

Lastly, the browser needs to know about our popup to show it. As just discussed, this is done through our manifest.json file. Simply add the following to it:

"browser_action": {
  "default_popup": "dist/index.html"

Notice how we're referencing dist/index.html and not src/index.html. This is because parcel creates and leaves our files in the dist-directory when it is done transforming our Typescript and React code to plain .js-files :-)

Did it work?

It's time to see our beautiful creation! Open a terminal and run yarn dev. You should see a message like ✨ Built in 58ms.

Now open your browser, and click on your extension. There it is! Or should be. If something went wrong, read the error message carefully and try to figure out what's going on. You can always refer to the full solution if you're stuck.

While you're at it, try to make a change in your component. Notice how the change is picked up in the browser at once. Parcel has rebuilt our source files automatically :-)

Adding a background script

Now that we have our popup working, lets try to add a background script as well. As mentioned, these can (amongst other things) be used to listen for browser events. To demonstrate this, we'll create a script that logs the id of a tab whenever we create one!

First, create the file at src/background/script.ts with the following code:

//Every time a tab is created...
chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener((tab) => {
    //run this code 
    console.log(`You just created a tab with id: ${}`)

Like with popups, we have to tell the browser about this through manifest.json:

"background": {
  "scripts": [

Again, we're referencing the dist folder where Parcel leaves our files. You might recall that background scripts run separately. In other words, our popup knows nothing of this background script. Hence, we have to explicitly tell Parcel to include this file. Do this by editing the "dev" and "build" commands in package.json like this:

"scripts": {
    "dev": "parcel watch src/index.html src/background/script.ts --public-url=./",
    "build": "parcel build src/index.html src/background/script.ts --public-url=./"

Since we've modified our dev-script, we need to stop and restart it in the terminal window.

We're almost ready to see our background script in action! We just need to access the console where the console.log's are written.

You should now see the console for your background script! Open your browser and console side by side and create a few tabs. The handler is running and You just created a tab with id: N gets logged ✨

See browser vendors for publishing

I'm not going to cover how to publish your extensions here. This blog post covers a lot already. Browsers themselves have guides for this. Here's one the one for Chrome and here's the same for Firefox.


Thank you for reading. It really means a lot to me. Hopefully this gave you enough knowledge to start experimenting with extensions for yourself. If this helped you out, please consider supporting my work through Github Sponsors. If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email :-)

This page was last updated on Sun Dec 26 2021
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